Friday, October 29, 2010

Aunt Agnes' Fruit Squares

Childhood memories grow richer with age.  I often think back to our first little house on Clifton Drive where our neighbors were part of our family. 'Aunt' Irene across the street, 'Aunt' Agnes and 'Uncle' Andy next door.  Aunt Agnes was from Ireland, Andy from Scotland...........both mystical places for our little Italian family.  Aunt Agnes had a repetoire of many Irish of our favorites were Fruit Squares which I still make to this day.  The memories flood is comfort in every bite. 

1 box currants
1 box mincemeat
2T sugar
1T cornstarch
pie crust - 2  ( use the Pilsbury refrigerated pie dough...I just roll them out to the shape that I need)
sprinkle of sugar

Place 1 box currants and 1 box mincemeat in a sauce pan.  Cover with water.  Add 2T sugar.  Bring to a boil, lower and let simmer 10 minutes.  Add 1T cornstarch.  Thicken mixture and let it cool.

Line a small rectangular metal tray with pie dough.  Spread cooled filling mixure on top (fruit squares are about 3/4" -1" deep).  Cover with second pie shell.....make holes in top crust.  Bake at 375 until crust is slightly browned (about 30 min).  Sprinkle some sugar on  top while still hot .  Let cool.  Cut into 2" or 3" squares. 

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